1. World of lordcraft : imitiation a source of comedy

    Only someone who’s a complete stranger to the world of gaming would think that World of Lordcraft is an original IP. So, is the craft of lords better than that of war? In short: No. But it is way funnier. Currently under development by a company called GSprite, this WoL of shame pilfered almost all of the lore and terms of WoW.

    Nowhere else does the presence of the phrase “All rights reserved” become funny; and yet there it is at the bottom of WoL’s website. Just about the only original thing about this game is the ugly art and the new words and meme-worthy phrases produced by typos.
    As far as I can tell, the game is not an MMO; it outright rips off the Alliance and Horde, and even Arthas’ mug, but I think it plays like an RTS, with Heroes of Might and Magic-style battles. I think. There’s no relevant information regarding the gameplay. What is on the website is the most pathetic game trailer I have ever seen, narrated by someone who sounds like an adolescent Alan Rickman.

    I wouldn’t be surprised if GSprite soon finds itself in a World of Lawsuits. Until then, fellow Lords, NEVER SURRENDER YOU FREEEDOM!!!
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  2. Solve the bottleneck of / pool old laptop hard drives

    The approach is quite simple. Mainly you just need a router, a few LAN cables and a bunch of old laptops or computers. We will try to tap into the unused wasted resources of the old souls.

    The main reason you'd want to do this is because
    1. your laptop's / computer's harrdrive is damn slow
    2. "" "" has a small RAMs
    3. improve your computing experience on old "" ""

    My idea is that, since old """" has limited RAM and when it loads huge applications it tends to run out of RAM and starts disk swapping . And when it does disk swapping it's impossible for one to do anything except wait for the application to finish loading and vice versa. So, since I have a couple of old laptops around and it has quite nice HDD space in it so why not I make them a pool of storage centre and utilize the 100mbps ethernet on board.

    My laptop's counter strike launch without HDD pooling took about 15 secs (HDD loads and swaps data like nobody's business) and the processor was left there doing nothing. But after I moved the whole counter strike files another laptop on the local network, then load counter strike from there, my asus laptop's counter strike launch took only 4 seconds (there is no HDD load from local drive but only swaps data).

    Think about it, if I can pool storage of these bunch of laptops, why can't I pool their processing power and make them some networked parallel processing computers? But the problem is the speed of all these bunch of computers are limited by the 100mbps talking to each other and latency.

    Combine all the unused resources of old computers really interests me, I mean, why throw them away when you can make them ftp servers or host games or make them a backup centre or media centre since all these jobs only requires little processing power. A pentium D is more than sufficient in my opinion.

    Multitasking also made easier when you use multiple old computers, in fact a greater productivity is achieved than using a dual core or the so called quad core processors. Reason being, you are using discrete computers which does not share resources with each other (perhaps except for internet bandwidth) and you can use one without multimedia capability for communication and the other with a graphics card for multimedia processing and the other for data processing, and then another one with a huge HDD for unified data storage. Each computers has it's own distinct function and does not interfere with each other and in the event of computer crash (which is pretty rare) you can have the others to debug or continue doing whatever you're doing.

    Is it because im desperate of getting a new comp or what. I dunno. bah reselling old laptops will just get your nothing so why not use whatever you have at hand.
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  3. Rant : apple the religious cult

    This month, I happened upon the third truest statement about gadgets that I have ever seen. It was on a message board. The poster said : 'Everyone always says Apple's stuff looks great but every time they bring out a new product it makes the last one look lot like shit.'

    You can take this statement two ways. One is that Apple is constantly raising the bar(though that not might be true, multi-tasking e.g.), blazing a trail and unleashing total war on idle conformity.

    The other interpretation is that we all get as over excited as a ten year old with a new flick knife when Apple releases a new product, then feel a bit silly with the benefit of hindsight.

    Look at the ipad, it's undeniably an almost sexually gorgeous thing, but how can anyone recommend a tablet with no usb port, no flash and no multitasking and keep a straight face?

    It's a clanging testament to Apple's marketing and our credulity. Apple tells us that what appears to be a flaw is actually a feature, and because of overall excellence of their various product lines, we swallow it. And by 'we', i mean you apple fags.

    Truly, Apple are the kind of people who would run over your cat and then hand it to you, beaming beatifically and say :'look, you don't need a cat flap now, it can slide under the door!' or ' don't you think red is much nicer for a cat?' and then, 'that will be 2000 ringgit please - and then you can only buy cat food from us from now on.'

    Just look at the result they got from it, though. The launch of ipad was considered so vital to the zeitgeist that the BBC gave it mass coverage. The iphone 4g however, of course, was wall to wall.

    Reason being, apple not only sometimes make great products, it also makes people feel great about owning them.

    The iphone is a gnat bite in the nokia's 40% worldwide market share. yet apple will thrive because it doesn't want to be seen as the biggest, it wants to be seen as the best.

    Let's all learn something from that as we dig a hole for our flattned moggy.
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