Only someone who’s a complete stranger to the world of gaming would think that World of Lordcraft is an original IP. So, is the craft of lords better than that of war? In short: No. But it is way funnier. Currently under development by a company called GSprite, this WoL of shame pilfered almost all of the lore and terms of WoW.
Nowhere else does the presence of the phrase “All rights reserved” become funny; and yet there it is at the bottom of WoL’s website. Just about the only original thing about this game is the ugly art and the new words and meme-worthy phrases produced by typos.
As far as I can tell, the game is not an MMO; it outright rips off the Alliance and Horde, and even Arthas’ mug, but I think it plays like an RTS, with Heroes of Might and Magic-style battles. I think. There’s no relevant information regarding the gameplay. What is on the website is the most pathetic game trailer I have ever seen, narrated by someone who sounds like an adolescent Alan Rickman.
I wouldn’t be surprised if GSprite soon finds itself in a World of Lawsuits. Until then, fellow Lords, NEVER SURRENDER YOU FREEEDOM!!!
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