Another Free Wifi hotspot : Rapid Penang

Yeah, proven with my nokia 5800

It rocks to be able to facebook on the go and watch youtube videos without paying a cent. And all you can do is pay RM2 and find a good place to sit, and start your internet journey right from the comfort of your plastic seat.

Sure. The speed is also decent though. It feels like a typical malaysian broadband speed (384 kbps, proven, tested, although i hoped it would be a bit faster), and it loads youtube mobile without much lag or buffer.

The mobile broadband ISP is Digi, and this rapid penang bus was the first bus to be fitted with 'Free Wifi on the go', and i unknowingly found out bout this when i tried to facebook on my carrier instead i was directed to a nearby wifi hotspot (which is the rapid penang one with name 'rapid penang wifi 11'

Digi recently rollout HSDPA around penang, and i can see this as my phone started to appear a 3.5G icon, and i can sigh a relief because i can now use the technology my phone is able to utilize(think about comparing south africa to malaysia as of 21st century, theres no much difference to it)

yay another free wifi hotspot added to my 'access point' list.


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