1. it sucks to be me

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  2. CSS sandboxing : tumblr

    Hey, recently signed up for tumblr and got hooked with the customization ala css the beginner way. I never had any experience on css and the documentation on tumblr helped a lot. Check out my tumblr here

    Anyway just made a custom theme off Sujay Thomas's 1000 Suns theme and its lookin great.

    Just replaced and removed some elements and colors. And I can say css is one simple yet powerful web designing language.

    You can download the source code here
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  3. Retrieve key for WEP networks (by passive means)

    Its quite simple really.

    Just follow these steps and you should be fine.

    And also, this can only work on a computer with wireless card or USB WiFi dongle.

    Step 1
    Get yourself Backtrack and install the .iso file to a thumbdrive using unetbootin.

    Step 2
    After all that done, boot the thumbdrive on your computer.

    :To boot from a USB storage device such as a thumbdrive, you have to use the 'boot list menu' which is usually accessible by spamming F12 (or some other f keys) during the boot screen, or change the boot sequence so that it boots the USB device first via your computer's BIOS.

    Step 3
    You will then be presented with a list of Unetbootin boot options, choose the default option which is the 1st one. After all the gibberish finished rolling, type


    and wait till it settles to desktop.

    Step 4
    Open up 'konsole', which is a program similar to CMD in Windows, or just click the little black square at the taskbar.

    Step 5
    Just to check if your wireless card is compatible, type in


    and see if it lists any wireless interface. If there is, Linux will usually name the interface as 'wlan0' or in rare cases 'eth0'. In this case we will use the interface 'wlan0'.

    Step 6
    Now it's time to determine your prey, or rather sniff and capture packets. To do this, type

    airodump-ng wlan0

    This will list the WiFi networks that can be seen by the computer. Here we will just work on WEP networks, so under the 'security' tab, look for networks that uses 'WEP', anything other than 'WEP' should not be used. Let the airodump-ng run for a while and note networks that has the highest number of packets captured, or the highest packets/s value. Note down the BSSID (the name of the access point), MAC Address (in the AB:CD:EF:GH:IJ:KL format) and channel that the access point is on. Then ctrl+c the airodump to stop the sniffing.

    Step 7
    Now we will try to capture the packets coming to and fro the chosen access point(AP). Type

    airodump-ng --channel [the channel of the AP] --bssid [name of AP] -w [a random name for the captured packets file] wlan0

    Let it run for as long as it takes. If there is a lot of network activity, you should see the number of packets captured (from clients and from the AP) to rise very rapidly, or if the network is quite idle, be patient.

    Step 8
    Open up another 'konsole', here we will try to retrieve the key from the captured packets. The captured packets is dumped into a file called [random name that you entered earlier].cap which you can see on your desktop. So type in
    aircrack-ng -b [name of AP] -m [MAC address of the AP] -n 128 [name of the cap file].cap

    Aircrack-ng will run while the packets are being captured. The key should be found when the number of captured packets reaches around 100,000 or more, this may vary a lot. You can also try rerun aircrack-ng with the value of WEP key length of 64 or 256 or 512 instead of 128 if you feel that it's taking too many packets and still has yet found the key.

    If all goes well, aircrack-ng should happily print out the WEP key. There you have retrieved the key of the WEP network.
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  4. World of lordcraft : imitiation a source of comedy

    Only someone who’s a complete stranger to the world of gaming would think that World of Lordcraft is an original IP. So, is the craft of lords better than that of war? In short: No. But it is way funnier. Currently under development by a company called GSprite, this WoL of shame pilfered almost all of the lore and terms of WoW.

    Nowhere else does the presence of the phrase “All rights reserved” become funny; and yet there it is at the bottom of WoL’s website. Just about the only original thing about this game is the ugly art and the new words and meme-worthy phrases produced by typos.
    As far as I can tell, the game is not an MMO; it outright rips off the Alliance and Horde, and even Arthas’ mug, but I think it plays like an RTS, with Heroes of Might and Magic-style battles. I think. There’s no relevant information regarding the gameplay. What is on the website is the most pathetic game trailer I have ever seen, narrated by someone who sounds like an adolescent Alan Rickman.

    I wouldn’t be surprised if GSprite soon finds itself in a World of Lawsuits. Until then, fellow Lords, NEVER SURRENDER YOU FREEEDOM!!!
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  5. Solve the bottleneck of / pool old laptop hard drives

    The approach is quite simple. Mainly you just need a router, a few LAN cables and a bunch of old laptops or computers. We will try to tap into the unused wasted resources of the old souls.

    The main reason you'd want to do this is because
    1. your laptop's / computer's harrdrive is damn slow
    2. "" "" has a small RAMs
    3. improve your computing experience on old "" ""

    My idea is that, since old """" has limited RAM and when it loads huge applications it tends to run out of RAM and starts disk swapping . And when it does disk swapping it's impossible for one to do anything except wait for the application to finish loading and vice versa. So, since I have a couple of old laptops around and it has quite nice HDD space in it so why not I make them a pool of storage centre and utilize the 100mbps ethernet on board.

    My laptop's counter strike launch without HDD pooling took about 15 secs (HDD loads and swaps data like nobody's business) and the processor was left there doing nothing. But after I moved the whole counter strike files another laptop on the local network, then load counter strike from there, my asus laptop's counter strike launch took only 4 seconds (there is no HDD load from local drive but only swaps data).

    Think about it, if I can pool storage of these bunch of laptops, why can't I pool their processing power and make them some networked parallel processing computers? But the problem is the speed of all these bunch of computers are limited by the 100mbps talking to each other and latency.

    Combine all the unused resources of old computers really interests me, I mean, why throw them away when you can make them ftp servers or host games or make them a backup centre or media centre since all these jobs only requires little processing power. A pentium D is more than sufficient in my opinion.

    Multitasking also made easier when you use multiple old computers, in fact a greater productivity is achieved than using a dual core or the so called quad core processors. Reason being, you are using discrete computers which does not share resources with each other (perhaps except for internet bandwidth) and you can use one without multimedia capability for communication and the other with a graphics card for multimedia processing and the other for data processing, and then another one with a huge HDD for unified data storage. Each computers has it's own distinct function and does not interfere with each other and in the event of computer crash (which is pretty rare) you can have the others to debug or continue doing whatever you're doing.

    Is it because im desperate of getting a new comp or what. I dunno. bah reselling old laptops will just get your nothing so why not use whatever you have at hand.
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  6. Rant : apple the religious cult

    This month, I happened upon the third truest statement about gadgets that I have ever seen. It was on a message board. The poster said : 'Everyone always says Apple's stuff looks great but every time they bring out a new product it makes the last one look lot like shit.'

    You can take this statement two ways. One is that Apple is constantly raising the bar(though that not might be true, multi-tasking e.g.), blazing a trail and unleashing total war on idle conformity.

    The other interpretation is that we all get as over excited as a ten year old with a new flick knife when Apple releases a new product, then feel a bit silly with the benefit of hindsight.

    Look at the ipad, it's undeniably an almost sexually gorgeous thing, but how can anyone recommend a tablet with no usb port, no flash and no multitasking and keep a straight face?

    It's a clanging testament to Apple's marketing and our credulity. Apple tells us that what appears to be a flaw is actually a feature, and because of overall excellence of their various product lines, we swallow it. And by 'we', i mean you apple fags.

    Truly, Apple are the kind of people who would run over your cat and then hand it to you, beaming beatifically and say :'look, you don't need a cat flap now, it can slide under the door!' or ' don't you think red is much nicer for a cat?' and then, 'that will be 2000 ringgit please - and then you can only buy cat food from us from now on.'

    Just look at the result they got from it, though. The launch of ipad was considered so vital to the zeitgeist that the BBC gave it mass coverage. The iphone 4g however, of course, was wall to wall.

    Reason being, apple not only sometimes make great products, it also makes people feel great about owning them.

    The iphone is a gnat bite in the nokia's 40% worldwide market share. yet apple will thrive because it doesn't want to be seen as the biggest, it wants to be seen as the best.

    Let's all learn something from that as we dig a hole for our flattned moggy.
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  7. How to bypass Streamyx web filter

    There are currently two approach to bypass the filter. One thing for sure, tmnet is not taking this filtering issue seriously, as it's pretty easy to trick the system and access blocked sites.

    1. Change your DNS server.
    (for win XP)
    Here for a video tutorial for vista

    Edit : I've made an exe to switch dns automtically. Download it here

    Your OS is configured to use the default DNS server (which is the streamyx dns server), and tmnet exploited this default setting by configuring it's dns servers not to resolve blocked website's IP address. This made it easy for streamyx to block sites, but it also made it fairly easy for us to bypass this.

    First, go to 'network connections' and right click the connection which your computer is connected to the internet(be it WLAN or LAN or whatever), click on properties.

    Then on this window as shown on the figure, look for 'Internet Protocol', click it then click on properties.

    Then, change the DNS setting to 'use the following DNS addresses:'
    This will allow you to configure your desired DNS server to use, instead of the 'auto' which uses the default streamyx dns.

    get youself an alternate DNS server (e.g. OpenDNS)

    I use OpenDNS because it's the fastest and most reliable.

    Click on OK and close everything, then go to cmd and run the ipconfig/ flushdns to use your newly appointed DNS server.

    You should be able to view 'lots' of sites now. (e.g. you know what)

    -OR- (if you want to go even further (e.g. bypass web or location based censor)

    2. Use TOR - the free p2p web anonymiser

    this is simple and straightforward.

    go to tor download and download TOR.

    It is pretty straightforward, but to stay anonymous, please use the provided Firefox portable, and the provided pidgin IM.

    and now you can practically be anywhere or anyone in the world. and that said, you can have the unfiltered and uncensored open internet privilege. You are not in malaysia anymore.

    How did i know:

    thanks to the transparency of google chrome, i was able to pinpoint the issue right away (everytime you tried to access blocked site, it doesn't load and shows a DNS could not be resolved problem), and that is basically the answer to the problem.

    i used to think that streamyx has implemented something more aggresive, like keyword based filter or content screening, like the ones offered at school internet, but to my surprise it was relatively easy to bypass the filter by just tweaking a few settings.
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  8. Screamyx Rambler : Rambling one

    it's all fucking corruption money. With that noob HSBB project on going, telekom can suck more money and put into their own pocket while saying ' HEY DOING BROADBAND INFRASTRUCTURE IS REALLY EXPENSIVE YOU KNOW?! ' 8.6 billion ringgit wasted, just like that.

    I mean wtf? I'm still using a RM99 1mbps while in UK you can RM56 with 20mbps unlimited. And blame it on the fucking monopoly of TM, where it is still lengang lengang thinking ' HEY YOU CANT RUN AWAY FROM ME HAHAHAHAHAHAH ' and look at p1 and maxis broadband, their QoS either sucked or more or less the same as streamyx.

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  9. Philips SHE9550

    -Bass sounded too bloated
    -Bass sounded too bloated, and desperate at times.
    -Bass sounded too bloated, everything is just too sharp and it hurts your ear, especially the bass.
    -Bass sounded too bloated, like bass gone drunk.
    -Bass sounded too bloated, like bass gone wild, and hurt people in the process.
    -Bass is too powering seriously, i never said i hate bass, just that, adequate amount of it would be better.
    -it's just went burrr burrrrrrr it's not the genuine grunt that makes you go mmmmm, instead the bass so strong that it distorted my ear.
    -I even need to set the equalizer to the bare minimum, because the bass dominated the whole soundstage and it's impossible to sit back and relax because it's just so hard to try to listen to songs with such heavy and uncontrolled bass. Imagine trying to look at at birds in the sky when the sun is shining right in your eye.
    -Mid range sound bland, it's so limited and tight, too quiet.
    -Mid range sound bland, it's so quiet, just to compensate and amplify the clarity, and that is bad.
    -No dynamics, it's as if the earphones itself has a normalizer. Bad one.
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  10. What's the big fuss about TM FIREWALL?


    I mean, I thought I was gonna puasa for internet-content when the MSC declared to block explicit websites from us.

    But wtf? Did they even try to enforce their block or what? The thing is, our computers are configured to use the ISP's dns servers if we don't specfically provide them with the DNS server address.

    For me, there are still so many loopholes in their so-called blockers. You can have :

    1. Tor - as a proxy to access all the shit you want
    2. openDNS - so you won't be a dog eating shit food from streamyx DNS servers
    3. google page cache - though this doesn't do flash or java << openDNS dns servers.

    To change who your computer request for DNS, simply go to (WIN XP) your the connection which connects you to the net.... TO BE CONTINUED
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  11. Damn

    Take a good look at my pre-stone age laptop.

    Its pretty fucked up, all parts are not working except for the keyboard, screen, processor and the whole piece of shit to make it boot.

    i can't even run linux on it, due to the fact linux is too new for it. no hopes for live boot too, bios is 10 years old phoenix BIOS ftw.

    it does facebook and youtube and all that crap ok, but when it comes to more intensive flash and videos it just gets choppy and laggy, don't even mention HD content.

    write again soon. hopefully
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  12. Netbook vs. ipad

    Round 1 : Netbook

    Posted by: Babyfacemagee
    I think the author, Charlie, sounds like an Apple fanboy. The iPad is really designed for one purpose and one purpose only; To sell Apps through iTunes thereby making money for Apple. That is why Apple did not and will not put flash on the iPad. They can pull out every tired, lame excuse in the book (unstable, outdated, will be replaced soon in new HTML5) but it’s all BS and they know it. Fact is that 75% of video and games on the web are flash based. If they allowed flash on the iPad, customers could avoid buying films and games on iTunes and just use the limitless content on the web that uses flash. It’s all about making money to them. Any other argument is just silly and naive. Why anyone would want to be on a closed system like that is beyond me. Apple is making the same mistake they did with the Macintosh. Eventually, an open system ALWAYS wins out because no one company can stay ahead technologically for very long…it’s just too easy to emulate and improve upon today. Look at the google phone. Soon there will be more ‘apps’ available for google’s android platform than there are apps for the iPhone. How do I know this? Because the same thing happened in the Mac vs. PC wars. Was the Mac first in the windows GUI on a mass market computer? Sure they were. But then intel/microsoft ate their lunch for the next two decades and took 90% of market share. How? By having an open system that is always infinitely flexible compared to the closed, inflexible system Apple uses.
    So why do some people line up to buy Apple’s devices? Simple really. They’re not technically sophisticated shoppers. Apple sells devices that are easy to use for the non-tech adept. They work in the medium range of performance and do so with little flexibility and hassle. But if you’re someone that loves technology and likes to customize and push your gear to the limits, the PC platform will always be superior. There’s a market for both of course. But as far as the iPad goes. I feel it’s a mediocre product that doesn’t exploit some of the obvious benefits of a tablet device…such as no handwriting recognition and no video chat capability. Those two are a bare minimum on my list to even consider getting on. Without handwriting recognition or the ability to take notes and draw with a stylus then u really need a keyboard (a real one) to do any kind of lengthy input. But I suppose that brings us back to what I said at first. This device isn’t about user created content. It’s about Apple selling apps, video and music through iTunes. This is an iTunes facilitator. The iPad is the Razor and iTunes content are the blades.

    Posted by: Mael
    For those bagging on MS. Try and do your job on an Apple product. Think you could do it? Because the list of things that Apple computers can NOT do is long and contains things that are used daily in your office. All that security that keeps your companies information safe, Apple doesn’t do. The ability to use any software tool available so you can do your job better, Apple doesn’t do. Email servers, secure remote access, even simple hardware upgrades like adding RAM or a bigger hard drive, Apple does do. Plus they’re much more expensive.
    What Apple DOES do and does well, is make simple technology for the masses. It’s not concerned with the capabilities of it’s devices. It’s concerned with whether it looks cool, is easy to use, and can accomplish the bare minimum with zero thought required from the user, and zero configuration ability aside from the most basic settings.
    But what they do best, is marketing. They are able to convince people that they NEED the products Apple sells.
    I’ll admit that iTunes and the iPhone app store as “killer apps,” and the best bet for the iPad is to get school book stores online with eBooks so students can buy all their text books for an iPad and save tons of money they would normally spend on paper books. But this is not the next generation mobile computer.
    And it makes me laugh that they made the sim card a micro sim card so you can’t use the normal sized sim card (the big one out of your smaller iPhone) in this new device.

    Posted by: wbrown
    If your argument is that everyone should switch to mac because they dont have spyware/viruses/ ect. then you really need to take an econ class. Supply and demand. Viruses are about infecting the 1% of people dumb enough to run then. Since 90% of THE WORLD uses windows based machines it makes sense to build viruses for windows, not macs with their 8% share. BUT if we go with your plan and switch to macs then viruses will be built for macs. Simple.
    Regardless I sadly say the iPad will sell. Just look at its popularity. Everyone in America knows it name. Its a apple product and the Appletown followers will gladly jump for it. And then again in a year with v.2 featuring a camera and then again with v. 3 with faster processor. And the cycle continues.

    Posted by: iversam
    i dont see what the big deal is….i like multitasking…neither this nor the iphone can do that…whats the point…why even build the thing if it cant do what most users want/need…plus it doesnt support flash…so there goes 70% of media content on the web…this thing is useless and shall fail like the Apple Lisa….you dont know what that is…and there is a reason

    Posted by: bugmenot
    The Apple iPad - $220 worth of parts with a $600 price tag. Like the iPhone except with a bigger screen, no camera, and it can’t make calls.
    This device seriously looks like a solution that is waiting for a problem. Who is going to buy this and what are they going to use it for? What can the iPad do that the Touch cannot?

    Posted by: bluecrayon
    Hi. I keep hearing the iPad being hyped as an eReader. But, forgive me if I’m wrong, isn’t the whole selling point of eReaders a function of their e-ink screens? I hate reading off of computer screens–and I was a wary adopter of the Kindle–but now I’m very happy with the readability of the display technology. So–I’m confused. How is low power laptop without a keyboard going to be anything other than a disappointing ereading experience? And if this thing isn’t meant to be an ereader, what does it do that I can’t already do easier and more cheaply with the things I already have? Look cool? Since I don’t have an automatic love of all things Apple to help me to “get it” maybe there’s someone out here who can help me. It’s clearly not the author of this article, whose primary argument seems to be that I should buy it because it’s “an entirely new device.” Wow, you’re right. A new device! I *love* new devices! Where can I send my money?

    Posted by: captnemo
    The iPAD still seems like an over-priced ‘etch-a-sketch’ do-hickey. Let me know when it actually performs some useful tasks for the $500 invested. I’ll just be over here observing, and getting some work done with my $200 ASUS Netbook…

    Posted by: bilbawbaggins
    I expect Charlie (a macboy author) to change his mind when he finds out that the charger only works with British style plugs…

    Round 2 : ipad - have a happy period

    Posted by: heavydevelopment
    Have any of these people touting a netbook actually used one? They are nearly impossible to web browse on with the low res monitor. The keyboard is cramped. Slow. And all around suckage. I had to use one for a couple hours and it unsold me. It was even the fact that it was Windows. I plan on getting an iPad for my mom. She doesn’t use the internet but could benefit a ton if she did. It’s because of her experience on the PCs/Windows she has had in the past (ie connecting through dial up). I also plan on getting one when I don’t want to tote my MBP around. One other cool feature is that if you leave your computer at home on you’ll be able to remote desktop in whether it’s PC or Mac because this functionality already exists on the iphone. And, yes, for the record I’m one of those Apple toting, elitist, fascists, snobs that uses Apple products, so sue me (although the 50lbs MacPro and 30″ cinema display are a b*&%h to carry around).

    Posted by: vjmurphy
    Microsoft’s brilliance in user interface design is why Windows Mobile is so popular and getting more popular!
    Wait, sorry, I was on a parallel Earth. Microsoft giving advice on user interface design to Apple is like a caveman giving advice on rocket design.

    Posted by: Warsh
    Agree completely. Yes, Apple does have the whole status/”look at this expensive thing I can afford” going for it, but the UI is where their true power lies. Hand an ipod or iphone to a 4 year old with no instruction and they’ll be using it for its intended purpose inside of four minutes. I spend 40 hours a week at the office fighting with and cursing at Microsoft products, it’s not going to happen in my down time. (Just had to reinstall my print drivers not 30 minutes ago). It’s great that the tech geeks have all these demands, but there are more people who just want something that just does what it’s supposed to. That’s where the future of the ipad lies, with the average non-tech-obsessed user.

    Posted by: DadaFz
    @job4zinger - i swear your type of comment makes me laugh. here is the thing. i use Apple because I can get work done on it. PCs constantly require attention, spyware removal etc. Yes I know, you are a PC demi god and u can handle all that. Well guess what? My dumb friends, parents, and everyone else who still doesnt understand what files and folders are get viruses and trojans like crazy. And guess who gets to waste time cleaning them off/reinstalling their computers? Oh you say they just don’t have good enuff anti virus software. Yup, well u are wrong. And the problem there still is to FORCE people to run Virus, Spyware, and Trojan scans EVERY time before they go online to make sure they have the latest definition files. Solution to my problem? GET THEM ON APPLE. Problem SOLVED “It just works”.
    Another case in point. I have NEVER had a PC last more than 3 yrs without something dying on it or needing a major upgrade. I have Apple machines that are > 10 yrs old running Leopard and doing just fine. Find me ANY 10 yr old Windows machine that can run any recent software. NONE. FAIL.
    Personally I think u are either jealous that u can’t afford a Mac (In which case how about cutting out like 10 hrs a week out of your WoW or TV watching and MAKE SOME MONEY), or u are just a hipster of your own making that likes to use PC’s just to prove how “not trendy” you are.
    Get over it. I hate corporations and greedy people same as you. The difference is I dont care about brand loyalty or hating on anyone. I just like when I buy things that they work. Microsoft is great and keyboards and mice. I use their peripherals all the time and will buy them again. OS or computer systems? NOT.

    Posted by: carolynmordecai
    I have used Apple Mac products since the first 128K computer. I always found them to have a more creative, easy and beautiful approach for getting any creative project accomplished. I am sure I will LOVE the ipad, even though I believe that it will always need improvements like anything else. I LOVE APPLE.

    Posted by: shutupgates
    Yeah, like I really want someone like Bill Gates telling us what we need. For us Apple fans, that’s like having Obama telling republicans that we need to raise taxes. There’s a good reason I left the Microsoft and joined the Mac cult. Jobs will be laughing all the way to the bank on this one. I can’t wait to get my hands on one. And yes, I will be more productive because of it. I take a little sadistic joy in listening to the Microsoft whiners complain about the success of it’s rivals.

    Posted by: themrwhite
    Thank you Bill Gates for taking us back to the 1990’s. A stylus? Really?!? People still wonder why MS can’t grasp the consumer market, here’s your answer. MS is and has always been a decade behind Apple.
    The last time an MS employee spoke negetively about an Apple product, that product (Apple’s entry into said market mind you) is now one of the markets leading devices and they did it in less than two years. If you have no clue what I’m talking about, it’s when Ballmer laughed at the iPhone when it came out. We all the the end result.

    So tell me, who is the illiterate now?

    Well, apple fanboys' reasoning is total failure, to me.

    It does prove apple's marketing strategy is working, but it's not fool proof.
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  13. Multitasking to the max

    People have 2 or 4 processors running in parallel to increase performance or efficiency, and their so called HT technology which is supposed to increase processor time efficiency, but mine is even better with two discrete processors.

    How do i do that? simple, plug two laptops to the router, fire them up, and you're good to go.

    well, my specs are of 2 discrete 512mbytes of rams, 2 discrete identical intel centrino 2.4 ghz cpu, and of course, two discrete VGA lcd's. But the efficiency of how processes are being balanced among them is incomparable, because technically, the CPU resources are being moderated by a more sophisticated brain - me, the human brain.

    It's like i use the asus laptop for garena and gaming while the next to me the acer laptop is for communication, be it msn, skype and surfing the web while im playing on the asus.

    So no lag or windows transition whatsoever. it's just that the broadband internet has to support the high bandwidth required for all that multitasking.

    LOL i gtg/
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  14. Gaming on a Nokia 5800

    At first, before the introduction of ovi store, users have to hunt for games out there, although java games aplenty, but only few supported touch and 16:9 display. But the thing is, non-nokia-generic (java) games graphics arent eye candies and performance sucked on any phone.

    So then xdancery got introduced by some chinese developers, i stumbled upon it on youtube. Then that was the most proper game you can find online.

    Well, right now ovi store features games like the raging thunder and stuff by polar bit, which is also quite a decent game for nokia 5800. Graphics are rendered in OpenGL ES and frame rates are amazing, silky smooth but the overall presentation of games are like games from 1990s (think of daytona USA, but who cares, but at least the games are playable, fun. The reason why nokia can keep up with the frame rates is because the games run in very low resolution and heavily anti aliased, so everything looked muddy.

    The major setback of nokia 5800 (or generally all the touch screen phones of nokia) is the lack of capacitive touchscreen, which it can register more than one touch at anytime. For example the game Toon Warz another fps from polar bit is almost unplayable and controls are ridiculous as you can only control your character with only one input at a time. It's impossible to aim and you can only walk front back left right at a time and then release touch to aim.

    And also, a GPU for the phones is also recommeded. There are lots of cool games out there for the nokia 5800 but the hardware is limiting what the games can do. Perhaps a PowerVR GPU accelerator can be useful... bah i hate describing things in context i just wanna blurb out everything right now so goodbye
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  15. Thinking out Loud : 5800 has the force

    My Nokia 5800 is now officially aged around 1 year plus. (indicated by the podcast old updates)

    well it's safe to say the nokia 5800 xm is quite a phenomenal phone. Affordable, plethora of features that can also be found on high-end smartphones. That's why i can have one in my hands, it's about 1.3k MYR when mom bought it from digi.
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